What are the best ways to use Natura beverages?
You can drink Natura beverages by the glass as a refreshing, lactose-free, non-dairy beverage. The Vanilla, Original, and Unsweetened flavours are also great on your morning cereal, in your coffee, and for making shakes and frosties. Natura Soy or Almond Chocolate beverages can replace cold chocolate milk or hot chocolate. Natura soy beverages also come in handy, easy-to-carry, 200 mL mini cartons that are ideal for your lunchbox.
Do I have to refrigerate Natura beverages? And how long do they keep?
Before opening, at room temperature, Natura beverages will keep for 13 months from their production date (see the expiry date on the carton). Once the carton has been opened, Natura beverages must be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of 1 to 4°C (33 to 39°F) and should be consumed within seven days. Our 1.89 liters gable-top carton should always be kept refrigerated and has a shelf life of 120 days from its production date.
How can I make Natura beverages keep as long as possible?
To make Natura soy, aldmond and rice beverages keep as long as possible once you’ve opened them, we recommend that you not store them on your refrigerator door. This part of your refrigerator is more subject to temperature swings, because it is opened and closed so often.
How can I tell if my soy, almond or rice beverage is spoiled?
The process for making Natura soy, almond and rice beverages is designed to produce a uniform product. If you are unsure about whether your soy, almond or rice beverage is spoiled, don’t drink it. Look for any changes in taste, colour, smell, texture, or consistency. A spoiled soy, almond or rice beverage will most often become thick and lumpy and have a distinctly “off”, sour flavour.
You may sometimes see white particles that appear on the surface. They are particles of calcium added to the beverage. You just have to shake well to incorporate to the liquid. Don`t worry! These particles do not affect the quality of the beverage and are completely normal.
Why can Natura products be stored for so long?
The Tetra Pak box is a state-of-the-art package that seals in the freshness of the product and preserves its nutritional properties. As part of the packaging process, the product is subjected to a heat treatment that leaves it bacteria-free and lets it be stored for long periods at room temperature with no need to add any preservatives. Once you open the container, the product must be kept in the refrigerator. Note: Our new 1.89 liters gable-top carton must be kept refrigerated at all times.
Should I shake the product before using it?
Yes. We recommend that you shake it well before each use. Although Natura products are homogenized, shaking the container will ensure a smooth consistency.
Can I buy Natura products directly from the manufacturer?
No. But Natura products are available at most food stores.
Can I buy Natura beverages by the case?
Many stores, especially health-food stores and food co-ops, sell Natura beverages by the case, as well as in convenient three-packs and six-packs.
Where do the soybeans used to make Natura soy beverages come from?
Since we first got started, we’ve exclusively used organic ingredients whose origins and authenticity we can verify ourselves. All our soybeans are harvested on organic farms that are located less than 120 km from Natura Foods. In addition to facilitating quality control, this proximity helps to preserve freshness by reducing transit times and of course helps reduce our carbon footprint. So what you’re drinking is good for everyone: good for you, pesticide and GMO-free, good for local and organic farming, and good for the environment because shorter transit = less waste of fossil fuels. There are indeed so many reasons to call us Natura!
Why don’t Natura soy beverages have the same “beany” taste as other brands?
Natura Foods uses a unique method to prepare its soybeans. We have fine-tuned every stage of the process, from soaking to cooking to extracting, to minimize the pronounced taste of soybeans while preserving all their benefits. The resulting beverage is creamy, delicious and refreshing.
Can soy beverages cause intestinal gas?
Some sugars contained in soybeans do cause intestinal gas in people who have a low tolerance for beans. However, soy beverages contain very little of these sugars compared with whole beans. If you know that you have a low tolerance for beans or for other foods that cause gas, try easing soy into your diet gradually. Start by drinking smaller portions of soy beverage (1/4 to 1/2 a cup), and then increase your consumption gradually until your body becomes accustomed to digesting this healthy whole food.
I am lactose-intolerant. Can I drink Natura beverages?
If you are lactose intolerant, you can drik all Natura beverages. None of the Soy, Almond or Rice beverages contain any lactose.
Natura Soy beverages are fortified with nutrients that make them an ideal substitute for cow’s milk. Same goes for Rice and Almond, with the difference that they are less caloric because they contain little protein.
My cholesterol is high. Can I include natur-a products in my diet?
Yes. Our delicious Soy, Almond, Oat & Rice beverages are cholesterol-free.
I am diabetic. Do Natura beverages contain a lot of sugar?
No. The amount of sugar is quite comparable to what you’d find in other kinds of non-dairy beverages. In fact, a glass of Natura Soy or Almond Chocolate beverage contains less sugar than a glass of orange juice. Each serving of Natura unsweetened Almond has less than 3g of carbohydrates (0.3g Sugar) while Natura unsweetened Soy has 4 g of carbohydrates (2g of sugar).
What vitamins and minerals do Natura products contain?
Natura beverages are fortified with vitamins A and D and calcium to provide a nutritional profile comparable to that of milk. They also contain riboflavin and Vitamin B12 supplements, recommended for diets that are low in animal protein.
How much calcium does a portion of Natura soy, almond or rice beverage contain?
Every portion of Natura Soy, Almond and Rice beverages contains an average of 330 mg of calcium.
Does Natura soy chocolate beverage contain any caffeine?
The only caffeine found in Natura Soy Chocolate is in the cocoa that it contains, and that amount is very small, comparable to what you’d find in an equivalent portion of decaffeinated coffee.
In Natura Soy Cappuccino, one 250ml portion contains 50mg of caffeine, about the equivalent of a green tea.
Are Natura products casein-free?
Yes. Casein is a by-product of milk. No Natura products contains any casein.
What vitamins and minerals do Natura beverages contain?
Natura beverages are fortified with vitamins A and D and calcium to provide a nutritional profile comparable to that of milk. They also contain riboflavin and Vitamin B12 supplements, recommended for diets that are low in animal protein. Natura soy beverages contain 16 essential nutrients.
Vitamins/Minerals % of recommended daily intake Soy Beverages Rice Beverages A 10 % 10 % C 0 % 0 % B2 (riboflavin) 25 % 25 % B6 6 % 0 % B12 50 % 50 % D 45 % 45 % Calcium 30 % 30 % Magnesium 20 % 10 % Zinc 10 % 10 % Iron 10 % 0 % Phosphorus 10 % 6 % Pantothenate 15 % 0 % Folate 6 % 0 % Thiamine 8 % 0 % Niacin 10 % 0 % Potassium 8-11 % 1 % -
Where does the sodium listed in the nutrition facts come from?
It comes either from organic soybeans, almonds or from organic brown rice, all of which contain very small amounts of naturally occurring sodium. We also add a bit of sea salt to stabilize our beverages’ nutritional balance and pH.
How much calcium does a portion of Natura soy, almond or rice beverage contain?
Every 250 mL (1 cup) portion of Natura soy, almond and rice beverages contains an average of 330 mg of calcium, which is 30% of the recommended daily intake.
Is it true that soy beverages are made from soy concentrate or soy isolates?
No. Natura soy beverages are made from whole, non-genetically-modified, organic soybeans. Unlike some other soy beverages, Natura soy beverages contain no soy concentrate, no soy isolate, no rice, no oats, no barley, and no buckwheat. When you read the Nutrition Facts table on a Natura soy beverage carton, all of the protein listed comes from organic SOY protein.
Where do the soybeans used to make our soy beverages come from?
The soybeans that we use in Natura beverages are grown in Quebec on land that has been certified organic for many years.
Do Natura products contain any gluten?
None of our Natura product contains gluten. We do not use any ingredients that contain gluten, and soybeans, rice and almonds do not contain any gluten naturally.
Can I use Natura products to replace milk when I cook?
Natura soy, almond and rice beverages can be used, cup-for-cup, to replace milk in all recipes, including sauces, gratins, quiches, stews, dips, cakes, and baked and frozen desserts. You can microwave Natura beverages, boil them, and freeze them. However, because Natura beverages are very low in saturated fat, we do not recommend them for making puddings, pie fillings, or homemade soy yogourt. See our cooking tips for more information.
Can I heat and freeze Natura soy, almond and rice beverages?
Certainly. Natura soy, almond and rice beverages can be heated or frozen. If any tiny threads or clumps form, simply stir the liquid to restore its creamy texture.
Are Natura soy beverages made with whole organic soybeans?
Yes. We use only whole, non-genetically-modified, certified organic soybeans that most are grown in Quebec (+95% from Quebec).
Are Natura products organic?
Almost all Natura products are certified organic by an independent certification organization that is government-recognized and internationally accredited.
What is organic farming?
Organic farming is a sustainable system of agriculture that maintains the long-term fertility of the soil and uses less of the earth’s non-renewable resources. Organic farming is a balanced system that gives soil, plants and animals the best conditions for development and growth.
Organic foods are grown in soil that has been free of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, and other synthetic products for a minimum of 36 months prior to harvest.